Monday, February 7, 2011

IMDb Top 250: Crash

And here we are again with another movie I've seen from the IMDb Top 250, this time it's Paul Haggis's Crash, the Best Picture Academy Award winner from 2004. It's the second time Paul's work is on this list, as we wrote Million Dollar Baby, for which he was nominated for an Oscar as well. As you might recall, I wasn't the biggest fan of Million Dollar Baby, so let's see if Crash fares any better.

Crash has about everyone from Hollywood acting in it and it has multiple storylines that weave into each other during the movie, all about racism.

But it's just not any good. I know the movie thinks it's good. There's good acting in it. There's a hint of something better in there as well, but it all dies in the script again. None of the characters seem real or relatable and they're all there to serve the story, which is some movies works, but not here where these people are supposed to represent the viewer. Every character is a stereotype and because the movie is spread between 21000 different characters, we don't really care about any of the characters.

Also the movie doesn't have anything else to say than "Racism is bad and we're all a little racist sometimes." Every character in the movie does something bad or says something bad about another race. Oh, except for Michael Pena, who is downright angelic compared to everyone else in the movie. Of course people change in the movie, it wouldn't be a Hollywood movie otherwise, but again, like I said before, none of changes come from the characters themselves, it's just that they're at that point of the script.

So, good acting, mostly anyway, but a bad bad movie. The worst Best Picture winner I have seen. I don't think this movie will be in the IMDb Top 250 for very much longer, and that's a good thing. My Rating for Crash: 4/10

And with that, we've purged the list of Mr. Haggis. Things are looking up already.

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