Friday, February 11, 2011

Top 5 Friday #4: Romantic Movies

It's that time of the year again when we're supposed to buy our significant others roses and cards, because Hallmark doesn't make enough money as it is and the single people will complain how shallow it all is. But a gift that keeps on giving is a movie. At least if it's a good one. And following here are five movies that are perfect for Valentine's Day. I know you all have your favourites, but there's only so many times you can watch Sleepless in Seattle or When Harry Met Sally. So maybe this year, try one of the following:

5. Brief Encounter

A classic love story from the 40's. David Lean adapts Noel Coward's story perfectly and there's no dry seat in the house at the end of it.

4. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

A modern classic. Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet have never been better and Charlie Kaufman won the Best Original Screenplay Oscar deservedly. It's a love movie that can mess your mind up a bit. I don't think there's a word for a romantic mindfuck movie. Lovefuck just sounds like something completely different.

3. Once

An Irish love story, with brilliant music. Another deserved Oscar win, for Best Song this time. Also, probably the only movie ever during which I'll be able to say "Oh, I've been there!".

2. The Fountain

Darren Aronofsky's story of love and death which spans over a thousand years. Utterly spellbinding and extremely powerful. Clint Mansell's score fits the movie like a glove and still gives me goosebumps even after having listened to it dozens of times.

1. The Apartment

For a lesser director, this would be their masterpiece. But for Billy Wilder, it's one among his many masterpieces. Even though it's made in the 60's, it has a timeless feel to it and Jack Lemmon is just brilliant in it.

Sure, all these might not be the lovey-doviest (not a real word, I know) romance movies, but they're all brilliant and well worth your time.

Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day. Well, early Valentine's Day. Can you wish people Happy Valentine's Day early? I know it's bad luck for birthdays. Just to be safe, don't read this last part until Monday. Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen Once, ES and The Fountain and I agree with them being love stories, but they don't have your classic happy ending, so I can't support them as happy/nonsensibly romantical V-Day movies. I do love how #5 causes loss of bladder control. "not a dry seat" is quite a wonderful idea! I adore reading your Friday 5! Happy Valentine's Day back at ya! <3
