Thursday, March 24, 2011

IMDb Top 250: The King's Speech

The King's Speech came kind of nowhere. There wasn't huge publicity for before people actually started seeing it. That's when the hype began. Colin Firth being phenomenal, everyone should see this movie etc. Personally I thought it was funny that people were talking about a movie about a guy who couldn't talk.

Everyone knows the story of the stuttering king now, so a plot synopsis isn't really needed. For some reason this movie reminds me of Forrest Gump, except The King's Speech is about a billion times better. Maybe it's the main character's disability thing and the fact that everyone seems to love both movies.

What works for the movie the most is the characters. Colin Firth given an amazing performance as King George VI and gets to number two on my all time favourite movie stutterers list. No. 1 is still Brad Dourif in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.

Helena Bonham Carter proves that she actually is able to act in movies, no matter how Tim Burton is trying to show us otherwise. Geoffrey Rush also shows us that there's more to him than a pirate. If you want to see Mr. Rush at this absolute best, you should see "Shine". Brilliant movie and an excellent performance by him. Everyone in the movie is excellent, and it's always great to see Guy Pearce making an appearance.

Of course building a movie is never an easy feat, but directionwise it felt that Tom Hooper gave the stage to the actors. The movie feels like so many other British costume dramas, it sometimes feels like it's keeping the movie becoming all that it could be. The script was good as well, as it brought the human side to all the characters, and I loved that while he was actually able to give the speech at the end(spoilers!), he wasn't completely cured of the stutter as usually happens in movies.

All in all, The King's Speech is a good movie, that could be a great movie if polished a bit more. I can see why it got it's Oscars and it's definitely not the worst Best Picture winner ever. I want to see The King's Speech 2: The Adventures of Bertie and Lionel, as the movie is at it's finest with the interaction of those two. My score for The King's Speech: 7/10

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