Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Uninteresting movies of 2011: Conan The Barbarian

I thought it would be fun to have a companion thing to the Interesting Movies of 2011 I have going on and go for the complete opposite, so here is Uninteresting Movies of 2011 where I list movies that I have basically no interest in at all.

First up is the new Conan The Barbarian movie. It's not because of I feel the original Schwarzenegger movie is legendary. It's not because of Basil Poledouris's kickass score will most likely stay unheard. It's because there's absolutely nothing interesting in it. Conan is played by Jason Momoa, of Baywatch and Stargate: Atlantis fame. From what I've seen of him I'm highly doubting him being able to carry a movie.

The New Conan is directed by Marcus Nispel, whose previous attempt to this genre was Pathfinder, which is better just forgotten and I'm sure most people involved in it already have.

Only good thing I can think of is Ron Perlman. But he has been in a lot...subpar movies throughout his career (Hello, Mutant Chronicles!), so I don't think he's able to save this movie either. We also have Rachel Nichols and Rose McGowan as eyecandy, but that's hardly a reason enough to go see the movie.

And if you need more convincing to stay away from this Conan, just check the new teaser trailer, laugh and go see the original movie. Trust me, it's much more worth your time.

And you can watch this for some Poledouris love:

1 comment:

  1. That is definitely a movie I don't wanna see at least not in cinema. Absolutely agree with you on this one.
