Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Interesting Movies in 2011: The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn

This movie kind of sneaked up on me, which in retrospect is stupid. Directed by Steven Spielberg and produced by Peter Jackson should be enough to get anyone's attention, never mind the fact that the comic itself is extremely famous around here. At least in Finland almost everyone knows who Tintin is.

But Spielberg hasn't really made a movie that I really liked in almost ten years and Peter Jackson has fumbled a lot since the Lord of the Rings movies. Added to that, doing the movie in motion capture à la Beowulf and A Christmas Carol didn't really get my hopes too high up.

But then I saw who is writing this thing. Steven Moffat, Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish, each of whom have proven to be extremely skilled and faithful writers. Steven Moffat runs Sherlock and Doctor Who for BBC at the moment, Edgar Wright made the best movie of 2010 with Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and Joe Cornish's Attack The Block is in cinemas now! (Go see it!)

Added to that, the newly released poster and trailer make the movie look like a...well, a real Tintin movie. I'm still apprehensive about the motion capture part, but damn if this doesn't look like a lot of fun. Possibly The Adventure Movie of the Year. Too bad we have to wait until November to see if that's true.

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