Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Three Amigos

As you know from my criminally neglected IMDb Top 250 movie challenge, there are a lot of movies I haven't seen that I maybe should have. This movie isn't on the list, but I really should've seen it ages ago. It's very 80's, it's funny as hell and is just a lot of fun.

Three Amigos is a story of three actors, who are fired from the studio they're working for and after receiving a telegram from Mexico for help, they leave for their mission, though what they think is just an acting gig, is very real.

While my plot synopsis is making the movie sound a bit different than it is, this is a very funny movie. It feels weird to have a movie from 1986 to feel refreshing, but this is a very different kind of comedy that I see these days. There's a certain innocence to these guys, which probably comes from their lack of intelligence. I also appreciated the fact that there was no forced break-up between the amigos, but that they stayed friends all through out the movie.

It's an extremely quotable movie, which makes me wonder why I haven't heard any of the jokes before. The plethora scene, the plane joke, and well, all the Amigo stuff is near legendary. I know it wasn't a box office hit, but I would've bet that all those Princess Bride and Monty Python quoters would know this one as well.

On the darker side of the sombrero, the movie feels a bit too long and the story could use some tinkering as well, but these are minor points to a laugh out loud movie that I feel is not as widely known as it should. Or maybe it's just me and been in Finland so long where I never saw this movie anywhere. My score for Three Amigos: 8/10

Bonus: My favourite scene of the movie:

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