Monday, January 17, 2011

Blog Me To Hell? Six Blogs or Only Five? The Blog-o-Monster?

Finding a name for a blog is surprisingly difficult. When you think you're being inventive and unique, you'll find out someone has been just as inventive and unique before you. So I ended up abusing my Finnish roots. At least it's sort of unique and alliterative. 

So why a blog? I think there are people out there who are interested on my opinion on movies. And I decided that this year I'll see all the top 250 movies on IMDb. Currently I'm at 169 seen, 81 to go. Will post a list later on on what I still need to see. As the list is changing constantly, I need to pick a date from where the list is valid from. 

Other than that, I'll post some movie reviews of what I've seen and what I think you should see, what you definitely should stay away from and everything in between. Might comment on some movie rumors and news as well. Who knows, I'll see what comes of this. Hope you'll stick around and see what this blog will bring.


1 comment:

  1. I like the introduction already and am curious for more. Guess I will see half the movies as well then ;-)
    Am proud of you and love you.

    Betti & Josie
