Thursday, January 20, 2011

Catwoman and Bane in The Dark Knight Rises

As you might've heard, they've cast Anne Hathaway as Catwoman and Tom Hardy as Bane in the next Batman movie. Well, we knew Tom Hardy would be in it, but we didn't know the role he'd be playing till now. To be honest, it's not really getting me excited for this movie.

I just can't see Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. She just seems too much like that Princess Diaries girl for me still. She doesn't have that sass that all the good Catwomen had, Julie Newmar, Eartha Kitt, Michelle Pfeiffer. I can't see Hathaway just to the same level of...well, let's say it's Catwomanness.

Tom Hardy I have a lot of faith on, based on Bronson and Inception, but Bane? Really? One of the least memorable Batman villains, whose only calm to fame is breaking Batman's back in one of the comics. Oh, they did turn him into a piss-poor villains in Batman and Robin, didn't they? Nolan's said that they've remodeled Bane into something new, but why call him Bane then?

Then again, I have to say I was apprehensive about Ledger as Joker in The Dark Knight and look how well that panned out. I have faith in Nolan to pull it off, I'm just very curious about how it'll turn out. And I'm hoping this indeed will be Nolan's last Batman, the man should be working on original material, if it turns out as well as Memento and Inception.

And please, change the title The Dark Knight Rises. It just doesn't work.

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