Monday, January 31, 2011

Horror Remake Sequel News!

Yeah, these don't happen too often, I think. Last remake sequel I remember is Halloween 2. Didn't see it though. But Platinum Dunes producer Brad Fuller spilled his guts about what's happening with the sequels to the Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street reboots.

About Friday, he said "[Damian] Shannon and [Mark] Swift wrote a great script. We are ready to go, when New Line is ready. But as of yet, they are not ready."

So that's good news. I really enjoyed the Friday remake and I thought this project was dead in the water. At least there's some life in there, though who knows when it'll see the day of light. Interesting trivia note is that this would be the 13th Friday the 13th movie. Can't wait for it.

Then from Crystal Lake to Elm Street, Fuller says: "As for Freddy, as far as I know, there isn't even talk of writing another script." So no more Jackie Earle Haley as the dream demon.

It all makes sense as well. Friday made 65 million on a 19 million budget, where Nightmare on Elm Street only made 63 million on a 35 million budget, so it seems Friday the 13th-series is the more lucrative one at the moment. We'll see what happens in the future, I don't think either one will be buried for too long.

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