Friday, January 21, 2011

Top 5 Friday #1: Top 5 Horror Teaser Trailers

Teaser trailers are quite interesting. Sometimes they're much better than the movies and sometimes they're done so far before the movies that the teaser actually promises you a movie you didn't end up getting at all. Here's a collection of horror teaser trailers for you for this Friday:

5. Godzilla

Not so much a horror movie as just horrifically bad. This teaser though is brilliant and about a million times better than the movie.

4. Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors

Not using footage from the movie at all, this teaser trailer has one of the most effective scares in the entire Elm Street movie series.

3. Alien 3

Ok, so this isn't really a top list material, but it has to be added here just because the teaser is nothing like the movie.

 2. Bram Stoker's Dracula

I enjoy Coppola's adaptation of Dracula,  and I think this teaser is perfect for the movie.

1. The Exorcist

This one you might not have seen before as it was banned at the time for being too unsettling and it is, but it would've been great to see the reactions in the cinemas.

1 comment:

  1. loved the Dracula teaser and yes the exorcist one is unsettling and gives you headaches at least for me.
