Monday, January 31, 2011

Superman's Got A New Face

Over the weekend, it was announced that Henry Cavill will be Superman/Clark Kent in Zack Snyder's Superman movie Man of Steel. While I like a new fresh face for the role (I only know him from Stardust), I can't help but feel a bit sorry for Brandon Routh.

Routh was one of the best things in Bryan Singer's Superman Returns and was let down by a boring script and totally miscast Lois Lane. And while Superman is probably the least interesting A-list superhero, I'm quite optimistic about Man of Steel. I'm a fan of Snyder's work and he has Nolan producing, so maybe they're actually able to get some life into the movie.

I just hope all those rumours about Lex Luthor and Zod are false. It's time to get some new villains in there.

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